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Towards Decolonization of Music and Dance Studies

Abel Marcel Calderon Arias and Hannah Bates reflect upon the roles of dialogue and listening, both with one-another as teacher-student, intellectuals, researchers, musicians and friends, and with a wider circle of interlocutors on their individual research and musical paths.  Through their reflections, they engage with ideas of insider-/outsider-ness, orality versus literacy, and “official” versus erased narratives, and the parts such issues play in applying decolonization to practice.

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North Sea Jazz / Codarts Talent Stage

Codarts Talent Night at North Sea Jazz Festival: Abel Marcel's initiative to combine the  music department to Codarts Talent Night at the prestigious North Sea Jazz Festival has been instrumental in providing a unique platform for students to showcase their talents on an international stage. This event, curated by Abel Marcel, features a diverse array of performances ranging from music to dance, highlighting the exceptional skills and creativity of Codarts students.

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